
"Adjura" is a bit of experimental music I recorded on my laptop while on a multi day train ride back in 2003. This video was produced in about 5 hours of render time by processing a video of a Mandelbrot set zoom through Stable Diffusion and some custom scripts to blend frames.


In July of 2022, I was having fun writing a synthwave track and decided to upload to my Soundcloud. In October 2022, I produced a video for it using roads and roller coasters and a heaping dose of Stable Diffusion.

Devolution - "Victim of You"

The band Devolution and I worked together to conceive of imagery for a one-of-a-kind lyric video for their latest release "Victim of You". This was the first lyric-oriented video I've produced since beginning to work with VQGAN and diffusion toolkits.


I recorded this song way back in the 20th century and only now has the technology to construct a graphic visualization of its sonic hyperstupefication become available. I'm actually dancing in this video, BTW. You're welcome for that.


I wrote this bit of music around 2000 and never really knew how to classify it or get people to hear it. I ran it through the old Milkdrop visualize and screen-recorded that and then took those frames and loaded them into my Beholder software, using a variety of shiny monstrous prompts...